In this article you get to know about FALLCR Meaning and its significance in Banking. FALLCR refers to Facility to Avail Liquidity for Liquidity Coverage Ratio.

FALLCR is a mechanism designed to support banks in meeting the liquidity requirements set by the Liquidity Coverage Ratio. To understand FALLCR, it is essential to grasp the concept of LCR and its significance for banks. FALLCR, which stands for Fixed Asset Liquidity Coverage Ratio. FALLCR is a way for banks to include a portion of their fixed assets, like properties and buildings, as part of their liquid assets. Fixed assets are not considered easily convertible to cash and are not eligible for LCR calculations. However, with FALLCR, banks can include some of their fixed assets as part of their liquid assets, which helps them meet the LCR requirement.

The Liquidity Coverage Ratio is a rule that requires banks to have enough easily accessible funds to survive a 30-day financial crisis. It’s an important part of managing the risk associated with banks’ available cash. To meet the LCR requirement, banks must hold a certain amount of highly liquid assets, which are assets that can be quickly converted to cash. This ensures that they have enough money to cover their expenses during stressful situations

The specific criteria for including fixed assets in the FALLCR calculation may vary depending on regulatory guidelines and the bank’s risk management framework. By allowing banks to include fixed assets, FALLCR gives them more flexibility in managing their liquidity needs. It recognizes that certain fixed assets, like real estate or infrastructure holdings, have value and can be sold in times of financial stress. Implementation of FALLCR may vary across jurisdictions and regulatory bodies. Banks need to follow the guidelines set by their regulators and ensure they have enough liquid assets to handle challenging market conditions.


The imporance of FALLCR lies in its ability to enhance banks’ liquidity management and help them meet the requirements of the Liquidity Coverage Ratio.

Improved Liquidity Coverage: FALLCR allows banks to include a portion of their fixed assets as eligible high-quality liquid assets for LCR calculations. By doing so, banks can increase their pool of liquid assets, which strengthens their ability to withstand liquidity stress events.

Enhanced Flexibility: Fixed assets, such as properties and buildings, are typically illiquid and not eligible for LCR calculations. FALLCR provides banks with additional flexibility by recognizing that certain fixed assets may possess inherent value and can be reasonably liquidated during times of financial strain. This flexibility allows banks to utilize a wider range of assets to meet their liquidity needs.

Risk Diversification: FALLCR promotes diversification in banks’ liquidity risk management strategies. By including fixed assets as eligible HQLA, banks can diversify their holdings beyond traditional liquid assets like cash and bonds. This diversification helps mitigate liquidity risks by expanding the range of assets that can be used to meet short-term liquidity requirements.

Capital Efficiency: Fixed assets often represent a significant portion of a bank’s balance sheet. Allowing banks to include a portion of these assets in their liquidity coverage calculation can improve capital efficiency. By utilizing fixed assets as part of their liquid asset base, banks can optimize their use of capital and potentially reduce the need to hold excess liquidity, leading to a more efficient allocation of resources.

Regulatory Compliance: FALLCR aligns with the regulatory objectives set forth by the Basel III framework. It provides banks with an avenue to meet the LCR requirements while maintaining appropriate levels of liquidity. By complying with regulatory guidelines through FALLCR implementation, banks can demonstrate their commitment to sound risk management practices and maintain regulatory compliance.


FALLCR plays a crucial role in ensuring that banks can meet the liquidity requirements set by the LCR under BASEL III. FALLCR’s significance lies in its contribution to banks’ liquidity risk management by expanding the range of assets considered eligible for meeting LCR requirements. It offers greater flexibility, risk diversification, capital efficiency, and regulatory compliance, ultimately strengthening banks’ ability to manage liquidity and navigate challenging financial conditions.

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